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Books - The Great Big List

The Great Big Book List

This is the complete list of all books we carry in alphabetical order.
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Title Part # Category
120 Traditional Stained Glass Patterns 36810 Windows
162 Traditional & Contemporary Patterns 36811 Windows
300 Stained Glass Cabinet Door Designs 3730 Windows
300+ Mosaic Tips, Techniques, Templates and Trade Secrets 36600 Mosaics
390 Traditional Stained Glass Designs 36812 Windows
40 Great Glass Fusing Projects 12347 Fusing
40 Great Stained Glass Projects 05905 Projects
9x9 Lives Cat Designs 985300 Animals
A Gallery Of Winners 327223 Misc
Aanraku Eclectic I 3875 Aanraku
Aanraku Eclectic II 3962 Aanraku
Aanraku Eclectic III 4809 Aanraku
Aanraku Eclectic IV 4810 Aanraku
Aanraku Eclectic V 4811 Aanraku
Aanraku Eclectic VI 4812 Aanraku
Aanraku Eclectic VII 3861 Aanraku
Aanraku Eclectic VIII 4057 Aanraku
Aanraku Eclectic IX 4089 Aanraku
Aanraku Eclectic X 3865 Aanraku
Aanraku Eclectic XI 3874 Aanraku
Aanraku Eclectic XII 3642 Aanraku
Aanraku Eclectic XIV 4088 Aanraku
Aanraku SG Belt Buckles 4095 Projects
Accents in Glass 3815 Projects
Adorable Nightlights 1078 Lamps
African Masks 1105 Misc
Alphabets 3863 Misc
American Quilts I 3876 Aanraku
American Quilts II 4813 Aanraku
Angel Companions 7653 Religious
Angel Companions II 7654 Religious
Angels I 4056 Religious
Angels - Butterflies - Crosses 7652 Religious
Angels & Cherubs 36814 Religious
Animal Kingdom 133674 Animals
Art Deco Stained Glass Pattern Book 36815 Misc
Art Deco and Geometric Stained Glass Pattern Book 36816 Windows
Art Gallery 3648 Windows
Art Glass Panel Designs One 985319 Misc
Art Nouveau - Stained Glass Pattern Book 36817 Misc
Art Nouveau Windows Stained Glass Pattern Book 36818 Windows
Art of Altered Glass, The 7606 Projects
Art of Fusing Contemporary Mood Lamps, The 327274 Lamps
Art of Fusing Pictures in Glass, The 327231 Fusing
Art of Shel Franklin, The 3964 Animals
Arts and Crafts Stained Glass Pattern Book 36819 Flowers
Artisans Windows 7626 Windows
Audubon Birds Stained Glass Pattern Book 36820 Animals
Backyard Birds 13429 Animals
Basic Glass Fusing 09880 Fusing
Basic Mosaics 36121 New Books
Bead Chain Boxes, Mirrors & Displays 327134 Projects
Beautiful Birds 1 1073 Animals
Beautiful Birds 2 1102 Animals
Beautiful Leaves 13412 Flowers
Beginner's Luck 3691 Suncatchers
Beginning Fusing & Beyond 9-4783 Fusing
Beginning Patterns II 9-4785 Instructional
Best in Show! Puppy Class 2099 Animals
Best in Show! Purebred Dogs in Glass 2098 Animals
Bevel Window Designs 985076 Windows
Bevels and Jewels Stained Glass Pattern Book 36821 Windows
Beyond Basic Stained Glass Making 33632 Instructional
Beyond Beginnings 9-4786 Instructional
Bird Designs Stained Glass Pattern Book 36822 Animals
Birds and Butterflies Stained Glass Pattern Book 36823 Animals
Birds of the Beach 14716 Animals
Birds, Flowers and Butterflies Stained Glass Pattern Book 36824 Animals
Birds, Flowers and Friends Stained Glass Pattern Book 36825 Animals
Birds of North America Vol. 2 3788 Animals
Book of Fans, The 3973 Projects
Book Patterns I 3644 Aanraku
Butterflies-Nature’s Stained Glass 133682 Misc
Butterflies and Dragonflies 14969 Animals
Cats Stained Glass Pattern Book 36826 Animals
Candle Cozys 4062 Projects
Candle Cozys II 12134 Projects
Candle Rings and Complementary Box Lanterns 3932 Lamps
Candlelight Designs 4195 Projects
Canine Creations 4064 Animals
Carousel Animals 2096 Animals
Celtic Designs for Stained Glass 3859 Symbols
Celtic Stained Glass Pattern Book 36827 Symbols
Circular Stained Glass Pattern Book 36828 Misc
Children's Illustrations 1 1072 Misc
Chimes for All Seasons 327207 Fusing
Christmas Cookies 3647 Holiday
Christmas Tree Favorites 4042 Holiday
Cinema Icons 1096 Misc
Classic Alphabets 985130 Letters
Coastal Inspirations 327215 Nautical
Coastal Lights 7513 Nautical
Contemporary Designs for Glass Etching 36830 Misc
Contemporary Designs Stained Glass Pattern Book 36829 Misc
Contemporary Florals 327037 Flowers
Contemporary Fused Glass 93246 Fusing
Contemporary Stained Glass Sidelights 36831 Windows
Conversation Pieces 4013 Projects
Cottage Garden 133690 Flowers
Cozy Corners 133607 Windows
Create a Blessing 3890 Religious
Creating Stained Glass Lampshades 36832 Lamps
Creative Designing Innovative Glass Art 4025 Instructional
Creative Stained Glass Modern Designs & Simple Techniques 9-0478 Instructional
Curious Cats 4112 Animals
Dance of Life, The 3940 Misc
Decorative Alphabets Stained Glass Pattern Book 36833 Letters
Decorative Doorways Stained Glass Pattern Book 36835 Windows
Decorative Birds Stained Glass Pattern Book 36834 Windows
Decorative Stained Glass Designs 11449 Windows
Designs for Glass Enameling 972305 Misc
Designs For Lamps 985068 Lamps
Destination Innovation 327328 Fusing
Dimensional Mosaics 12121 Mosaics
Dimensions of Christmas 3 327150 Holiday
Dog Breeds 1 1071 Animals
Dog Breeds 2 1099 Animals
Dog Breeds 3 1104 Animals
Door Décor 3858 Holiday
Doorways, Windows & Transoms Stained Glass Pattern Book 36836 Windows
Easy Stained Glass Panel Lampshades Book 36837 Lamps
Easy Stained Glass Patterns for Traditional Doorways 36838 Windows
Easy Victorian Florals Stained Glass Pattern Book 36839 Flowers
Easy-to-Make Christmas and Holiday Lightcatchers 36840 Suncatchers
Easy-to-Make Stained Glass Boxes 36841 Projects
Egypt 1075 Misc
Elegant Boats 1100 Nautical
Enchanted Dreams 4142 Suncatchers
Enchanted Evenings 4143 Projects
Enchanted Music Boxes 3656 Projects
Equiglas Equine Suncatcher Patterns 11234 Animals
Equiglas Stained Glass Eventing Projects 11235 Animals
Exceptional Works in Metal Clay & Glass 985568 Fusing
Everything You Wanted to Know About Fusing... SKBK Fusing
Fabulous Cats 1101 Animals
Faeries, Elves & Angels  133542 Fantasy
Fairies I 4090 Fantasy
Famous Circus 1076 Misc
Fantasy Designs Stained Glass Pattern Book 36843 Fantasy
Farmers Market 3826 Misc
Favorite Myths and Legends 327118 Fantasy
Fireworks 327359 Fusing
Feline Fantasy 4065 Animals
Felines & Florals 7521 Animals
Floral Stained Glass Lampshades Book 36844 Lamps
Floral Stained Glass Pattern Book 36846 Flowers
Flowers & Fruits Stained Glass Pattern Book 36846 Flowers
For The Love Of Hearts 7644 Suncatchers
Fullsize Project Drawings Book 985831 Fusing
Fuse It 985521 Fusing
Fused Glass Fan Lamps 3722 Fusing
Fused Glass for Walls 3941 Fusing
Fused Glass and Wood Wildlife Projects 3795 Fusing
Fusing Images on Glass 90690 Fusing
Fusing Log Sheets 985823 Fusing
Garden Angels & Accents 4541 Religious
Garden Flowers 13412 Flowers
Garden Harmonies 3733 Fusing
Georgia On My Mind 7561 Flowers
Gift Boutique 7558 Projects
Glass Angels 3684 Religious
Glass Decor Indoors 327010 Fusing
Glass Decor Outdoors 133984 Fusing
Glass Excitement 3679 Projects
Glass Forming with the Mold Block System 985582 Fusing
Glass Kiln Casting 985556 Fusing
Graceful Creatures 4159 Animals
Grid Sheets for Stained Glass Design 133748 Instruction
Guide to Mosaic Techniques 36605 Mosaics
Hanging Around 3650 Windows
Hanging Gardens 133925 Flowers
Hearts & Flowers 4140 Fusing
History's Greatest Paintings 1097 Misc
Hodgepodge 2 693830 Projects
Holiday Images 3704 Holiday
Holiday Spirit 1095 Holiday
Homegrown Glass from the Garden 3655 Suncatchers
Horses 1074 Animals
Horses in Leaded Glass 9-0655 Animals
How To Design Stained Glass with 84 Patterns 36848 Instructional
I Haven’t Lost My Marbles 3654 Projects
Illuminated Art Glass 985599 Fusing
Illuminations 133887 Misc
Illustrated Word, The 29722 Sayings
In Full Bloom 985416 Flowers
In The Wild 4050 Animals
Innovative Adornments 985351 Fusing
Innovative Panel Lamps 133933 Lamps
Innovative Stained Glass Panels 327193 Windows
Introduction To Glass Fusing 985386 Fusing
Introduction To Precious Metal Clay 998536 Fusing
Introduction To Stained Glass 985041 Instructional
Inspired 3812 Projects
It's a Cat's Life 2097 Animals
Japanese Crests I 3880 Aanraku
Japanese Designs Stained Glass Pattern Book 36850 Misc
Japanese Kanji 4816 Sayings
Japanese Kanji II 4817 Sayings
Jennell's Big Book of Dogs 64368 Animals
Jennell's Carousel 7685 Animals
Jennell's Christmas 7689 Holiday
Jennell's Suncatchers 7677 Suncatchers
Jewelry Boutique 133941 Projects
Joy of Fusing 985610 Fusing
Just Glass - Way Out West 202002 Projects
Just Hold It 3819 Projects
Kicking Glass 40497 Instructional
Kiln Crafting 97809 Fusing
Kiln Formed Bracelets 985491 Fusing
Lava and Cube Lanterns 3794 Lamps
Let There Be Light 32710X Religious
Living In Harmony 4045 Misc
Living With Art Glass 133666 Windows
Look What You Can Do with Grids 133747 Instructional
Lovely Flowers 1098 Flowers
Magic Of Snowflakes, The 7546 Holiday
Magic Of Snowflakes II, The 4041 Holiday
Maidens, Myths & Mermaids 985408 Fantasy
Making Mosaics with Found Objects 06155 Mosaics
Making Tiffany Lamps 35957 Lamps
Making Stained Glass Boxes 35940 Projects
Making Stained Glass Lamps 36138 Lamps
Making Stained Glass Panels 36381 Instructional
Marine Animals Stained Glass Pattern Book 36852 Nautical
Marine World 1 1070 Nautical
Memories Framed In Glass 133739 Projects
Modern Design Stained Glass 4016 Misc
Modern Design Stained Glass Pattern Book 36854 Misc
More Celtic Designs 4018 Symbols
Mosaic & Beaded Votives & Vases 385576 Mosaics
Mosaic Book, The 36604 Mosaics
Mosaic Mirrors, Planters & More 133755 Mosaics
Mosaica 3767 Mosaics
Mosaics For Home & Garden 133658 Mosaics
Mosaics Made Easy 7525 Mosaics
Mosaics Unlimited 327185 Mosaics
My Family Album 4014 Projects
Nature Designs Stained Glass Pattern Book 36856 Animals
Nature's Splendor Stained Glass Pattern Book 36857 Animals
Nautical Designs Stained Glass Pattern Book 36858 Nautical
Northern Shades 985173 Lamps
Nostalgic Stained Glass 3745 Projects
Official State Flowers I 4096 Flowers
Official State Flowers II 4097 Flowers
Orchids In Glass 985394 Flowers
Oriental Design Stained Glass Pattern Book 36859 Misc
Oriental Fragrance 1103 Misc
Ornamental Flower Stained Glass Pattern Book 36860 Flowers
Ornate Crosses in Stained Glass 4100 Religious
Ornate Crosses 2 in Stained Glass 4102 Religious
Patterns For South Beach Frame 98553X Misc
Picture Frames I 3864 Projects
Prairie Designs II for Stained Glass Windows 7658 Beginner
Prairie Designs for Stained Glass Windows 10th Annv 3970 Misc
Prairie Lamps 4075 Lamps
Prairie Style Panels 3791 Windows
Prairie Style Lampshades & Lanterns 3790 Lamps
Precious Memories Preserved in Glass 133852 Projects
Precious Metal Clay in Mixed Media 998543 Fusing
Printmaking Techniques on Glass 93387 Misc
Quick Change Artist 3818 Projects
Red Hats in Stained Glass 3849 Misc
Religious Stained Glass For Today 133372 Religious
Sayings 1 3862 Sayings
Sensational Jewelry 133917 Projects
Sensational Suncatchers 133097 Suncatchers
SG Belt Buckles 4095 Projects
Shades of Glass Design Collection 693814 Misc
Share Crosses 4815 Religious
Sidelights, Fanlights and Transoms Stained Glass Pattern Book 36861 Windows
Simply Victorian 3807 Windows
Songbirds 13436 Animals
Stained Glass (by Kay Bain Weiner) 972321 Instructional
Stained Glass Basics 10484 Instructional
Stained Glass Boxes 985017 Projects
Stained Glass Corner Accents for Your Windows 4046 Windows
SG Craft Made Simple 36862 Instruction
Stained Glass Horse Patterns 3701 Animals
Stained Glass Making Basics 36527 Instruction
Stained Glass Music 206003 Projects
Stained Glass Photo Frames 4072 Projects
Stained Glass Snowflakes 3736 Holiday
Stained Glass the Easy Way 7679 Instruction
Standabouts 3817 Misc
State Flowers In Stained Glass 133632 Flowers
Strictly Business 133828 Projects
Stuffed Animals 1077 Animals
Summer Garden 3697 Flowers
Suncatchers 1079 Suncatchers
Suncatchers & Stones 7538 Mosaics
Suncatchers Stained Glass Pattern Book 36864 Suncatchers
Table Lanterns I 3965 Lamps
Table Lanterns II 4807 Lamps
Table Lanterns III 4808 Lamps
Table Lanterns IV 3643 Lamps
Terrariums & Planters 985025 Projects
Tiffany Garden - Borders GWB-400 Mosaics
Tiffany Garden - Bird Baths & Borders GWB-600 Mosaics
Tiffany Windows Stained Glass Pattern Book 36866 Windows
Time for Glass 3727 Fusing
Tooling Around 9625663 Projects
Treasury of Traditional Stained Glass Designs 36868 Windows
Twelve Fans of Tiffany 327281 Projects
Ukiyoe 3877 Aanraku
Venise Carnival 1069 Misc
Victorian Designs I 3894 Windows
Victorian Doorways Stained Glass Pattern Book 36869 Windows
Victorian Stained Glass For Today 133267 Misc
Victorian Suncatchers Stained Glass Pattern Book 36871 Suncatchers
Wall Decorations 985033 Projects
We Are One 938434 Religious
Welcome Home 327243 Windows
Western & Rodeo Designs for Stained Glass 7688 Animals
Whimsical Critters - A Victorian-Inspired Menagerie 2100 Animals
Whimsical Filigree 3721 Projects
Whiskers 'N Wings 9759448 Animals
Wild & Free 133801 Animals
Wild Animals Stained Glass Pattern Book 36872 Animals
Wildlife 1081 Animals
William Morris Stained Glass Pattern Book 36873 Windows
Windows For The Soul 985327 Windows
Windows from a Different Perspective 985343 Windows
Windows of Distinction 985220 Windows
Windows of Elegance 985211 Windows
Windows of Elegance 2 998542 Windows
Windows of Enduring Color 985575 Windows
Windows of Mystique 985440 Windows
Windows of North America 985246 Windows
World of Sports 1106 Misc