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OGT System 96 Glass

Oceanside's Oceanside System 96 GlassSystem 96 Glass, in all its myriad forms, is a soft, forgiving glass with a long working range and a wide margin of error. It is famously easy to cut; the colors are bright and consistent, and it will tolerate multiple firings without a blemish.

It's called Heat Compliant - designed and tested for hot glass applications. Whether you are fusing, slumping, blowing, casting, flameworking, combining techniques or inventing your own, System 96 will be your cooperative partner. It has achieved a balance of precision, predictability and creative control that pleases the most demanding artist among us, while at the same time inviting newcomers along the shortest path to success.
Oceanside clear button Oceanside opals button Oceanside transparent button Oceanside shapes button
Oceanside iridized button Oceanside opal art button Oceanside spirit button  

Oceanside System 96 Fusible Transparents
Cathedral glass is Transparent Glass.  Oceanside converted all of their cathedrals to fusible transparents.

10 piece minimum when ordering 12x12 Glass  (20 pieces fill a Small Box)
5 piece minimum when ordering 12x24 Glass  (10 pieces fill a Medium Box)
5 piece minimum  when ordering 24x24 Glass  (7 pieces fill an Xtra Large Box)
6x6 12x12 12x24 24x24
palest amber glass 96-110.1

Palest Amber Transparent

pale amber glass 96-110.2

Pale Amber Transparent

light amber glass 96-110.4

Light Amber Transparent

medium amber glass 96-110.8 Medium Amber Transparent
light green glass 96-121 Light Green Transparent
medium green glass 96-123 Medium Green Transparent
medium green hammered glass 96-123-25 Medium Green Hammered
dark green glass 96-125 Dark Green Transparent
pale blue glass 96-130.8 Pale Blue Transparent
light blue glass 96-132

Light Blue Transparent

medium blue hammered glass 96-134-25

Medium Blue Hammered

dark blue transparent glass 96-136 Dark Blue Transparent Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out
pale purple transparent glass 96-140.8 Pale Purple Transparent
light purple transparent glass 96-142

Light Purple Transparent

cherry red transparent glass 96-151 Cherry Red Transparent
ruby red transparent glass 96-152 Ruby Red Transparent
ruby red granite glass 96-152-24 Ruby Red Granite
yellow transparent glass 96-161 Yellow Transparent
orange transparent glass 96-171 Orange Transparent
pale gray transparent glass 96-180.8 Pale Gray Transparent
bronze transparent glass 96-518.1 Bronze Transparent
antique bronze transparent glass 96-518.2 Antique Bronze Transparent
aquamarine transparent glass 96-523.1 Aquamarine Transparent
teal green transparent glass 96-523.2 Teal Green Transparent
teal green transparent glass 96-526.2 Moss Green Transparent
sea green transparent glass 96-528.1 Sea Green Transparent
light olive green transparent glass 96-528.2 Light Olive Green Transparent
Caribbean blue transparent glass 96-532.1 Caribbean Blue Transparent Temp Out Temp Out
Tropic blue transparent glass 96-532.2 Tropic Blue Transparent
sky blue transparent glass 96-533.1 Sky Blue Transparent
topaz blue transparent glass 96-533.2 Topaz Blue Transparent
deep aqua transparent glass 96-533.3 Deep Aqua Transparent Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out
light steel blue transparent glass 96-538.2 Light Steel Blue Transparent
steel blue transparent glass 96-538.4 Steel Blue Transparent Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out
light grape transparent glass 96-543.1 Light Grape Transparent
purple grape transparent glass 96-543.2 Purple/Grape Transparent
rust transparent glass 96-571.1 Rust Transparent
lime transparent glass 96-60-7312 Lime Transparent

Oceanside System 96 Fusible Opals

10 piece minimum when ordering 12x12 Glass  (20 pieces fill a Small Box)
5 piece minimum when ordering 12x24 Glass  (10 pieces fill a Medium Box)
5 piece minimum  when ordering 24x24 Glass  (7 pieces fill an Xtra Large Box)
6x6 12x12 12x24 24x24
aventurine green opal glass 96-128

Aventurine Green Opal

aventurine blue opal glass 96-138

Aventurine Blue Opal

aventurine black opal glass 96-1009AV Aventurine Black Opal Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out
black opal glass 96-1009 Black Opal 3mm
black opal 2mm glass 96-1009-2 Black Opal 2mm
white opal glass 96-200

Solid White Opal

Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out
white opal 2mm glass 96-200-2

Solid White Opal 2mm

crystal white opal glass 96-209 Crystal White Opal Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out
ivory opal glass 96-210.71 Ivory Opal Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out
almond opal glass 96-210.72 Almond Opal
vanilla opal glass 96-210.73 Vanilla Cream Reactive
Reactive Color Chart
chestnut brown opal glass 96-211.74

Chestnut Brown Opal

Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out
chocolate opal glass 96-211.76

Chocolate Opal

terra cotta opal glass 96-215.72 Terra Cotta Opal
dark green opal glass 96-220.76 Dark Green Opal
pastel green opal glass 96-222.72 Pastel Green Opal
persian green opal glass 96-222.74 Persian Green Opal
emerald green opal glass 96-222.76 Emerald Green Opal
turquoise green opal glass 96-223.72 Turquoise Green Opal
Peacock opal glass 96-223.74 Peacock Green Opal
lemongrass opal glass 96-226.72

Lemongrass Opal

amazon green opal glass 96-226.74 Amazon Green Opal
celadon green opal glass 96-228.72 Celadon Opal
Hydrangea blue opal glass 96-230.71 Hydrangea Blue Opal
medium blue opal glass 96-230.72 Medium Blue Opal
dark blue opal glass 96-230.76 Dark Blue Opal
Turquoise blue opal glass 96-233.74 Turquoise Blue Opal
Mariner blue opal glass 96-233.75 Mariner Blue Opal
lilac opal glass 96-240.74 Lilac Opal
red opal glass 96-250.72 Red Opal Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out
yellow opal glass 96-260.72 Yellow Opal
Sunflower opal glass 96-267.72 Sunflower Yellow Opal
orange opal glass 96-270.72 Orange Opal
persimmon opal glass 96-271.71 Persimmon Opal
pewter opal glass 96-280.72 Pewter Opal
charcoal opal glass 96-280.76 Charcoal Opal
Pink Champagne opal glass 96-291.61 Champagne Opal

Oceanside System 96 Fusible Opals
These are colors that were once hand-rolled Uroboros Glass, but Oceanside now makes them smooth

10 piece minimum when ordering 12x12 Glass  (20 pieces fill a Small Box)
5 piece minimum when ordering 12x24 Glass  (10 pieces fill a Medium Box)
5 piece minimum  when ordering 24x24 Glass  (7 pieces fill an Xtra Large Box)
6x6 12x12 12x24 24x24
paynes gray opal glass 96-60-078 Payne's Gray Opal Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out
Chambray opal glass 96-60-079 Chambray Opal
Marigold opal glass 96-60-355 Marigold Opal
flame opal glass 96-60-602 Flame Opal
light red glass 96-60-611 Light Cherry Red Transparent
apple jade opal glass 96-60-726 Apple Jade Opal
fern green opal glass 96-60-755 Fern Green Opal
olive green opal glass 96-60-782 Olive Green Opal

Oceanside System 96 Hi-Fire Iridescent Glass

Hi-Fire Iridescents with the Oceanside super smooth surface and unsurpassed cut ability. Oceanside achieved a satin-like gleam that is as beautiful before firing as it is after. Fire it Irid-side up, Irid-side down - or in between layers. Fire it over and over again. Or, don't fire it at all!
The Hi-Fire Irid is a softer look -- very appealing for stained glass work too! 

10 piece minimum when ordering 12x12 Glass  (20 pieces fill a Small Box)
5 piece minimum when ordering 12x24 Glass  (10 pieces fill a Medium Box)
5 piece minimum  when ordering 24x24 Glass  (7 pieces fill an Xtra Large Box)
6x6 12x12 12x24 24x24
Clear Iridescent glass 96-7100-32 Iridescent Icicle Clear
Black Iridescent glass 96-71009 Iridescent Black Opal
Black/Gold Iridescent glass 96-756-140 Black Satin Metallic Opal Temp Out
White Iridescent glass 96-7200 Iridescent White Opal
Green Iridescent glass 96-7125 Iridescent Dark Green
Blue Iridescent glass 96-7136 Iridescent Dark Blue
Red Iridescent glass 96-7151 Iridescent Red Transparent