Uncat System 96 Glass
Uncat is short for Uncategorized. These are non-standard mixes, experimental, or just unique colors created either
deliberately or by happenstance during the production process. They result when there are leftover components from
a standard run or when they are experimenting with new colors. These are some of Uroboros' most spectacular glass
sheets, and they are all one-of-a-kind. Many artists look forward to a new shipment of Uncats arriving since they
can really broaden their palette.
Remember: 10 piece minimum to ship 8x12 or 12x12 sheets of glass, although 20 pieces will fill the box!
Click the price to Buy!
Photos below are digital photos of the actual sheets with daylight behind
Colors may differ depending on printer ink or screen settings.
These sheets are
one-of-a-kind and have been numbered for purchase. The picture
you see is the actual
sheet of glass and they are first come first serve. There is one
sheet available unless otherwise noted.
The sheet sizes are all 24x24 (4 Sq Ft). Please
choose how you would like the glass cut for shipping (into 4 12x12s or 2 12x24s).
Please be sure to meet the 10 piece minimum for the Small Box.
Click the picture to enlarge the view. |

Black Silver/Gold Iridized Opal
4 Sq. Ft. 24"x24"
$ 24.95

Marigold Opal
4 Sq. Ft. 24"x24"
$ 39.95
Remember: 10 piece minimum to ship 8x12 or 12x12 sheets of glass,
and 20 pieces will fill the box!
5 piece minimum to ship 12x24 sheets of glass, and 10 pieces will fill the box!
Cut into 4 will create 4 12x12s and a small box charge of $6
Cut in half will create 2 12x24s and a large box charge of $12.