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OGT Ambers Beiges Glass

Oceanside Amber Biege Opal Wispy Glass

All wonderful earth tone colors that are excellent for nature scenes, sandy beaches, bird feathers, and tree trunks.  The darker beiges work perfectly for tree branches and flower stems while the caramels and chocolates are all wonderful earth tone colors that create life-like nature scenes and landscapes.

Oceanside has started to convert their Spectrum line over to being fusible.  If you see a 96 in front of the part number, it is now fusible!

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10 pc min when ordering 8x12 & 12x12 Glass  (20 pcs fill a Small Box) - $6
5 pc min when ordering 12x15 & 12x24 Glass  (10 pcs fill a Med Box) - $10
5 pc min when ordering 16x24 & 20x24 Glass  (10 pcs fill a Large Box) - $12
5 piece minimum when ordering 24x24 Glass  (7 pieces fill a Xtra Large Box) - $20

12x12 12x24 24x24
OGT Glass 96-315.02  White/Pale Amber
OGT 96 Brown 96-315.1  White/Light Amber Opal
OGT Glass 96-315.2  Medium Amber Beige
OGT Glass 96-315.6  White / Dark Amber Opal
OGT Glass 96-317.02  Pale Amber / White
OGT Glass 96-317.1  Light Amber / White Opal
OGT Glass 96-317.2  Medium Amber / White Opal Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out
OGT Glass 96-317.6  Dark Amber/White Opal Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out
OGT Glass 96-318.05  Light Amber/White Opal
OGT Glass 96-319.02  Pale Amber/White Wispy
OGT Glass 96-319.1  Light Amber / White Wispy
OGT Glass 96-319.6  Dark Amber / White Wispy Temp Out Temp Out Temp Out
OGT Glass 96-411.15  Brown/Gold Streaky
OGT Glass 96-411.15-24  Brown/Gold Streaky Granite
OGT Glass 96-816.52  Khaki/White "Clay" Opal
OGT Glass 96-818.54  Taupe Gray Opal
OGT Glass 96-818.56  White/Dark Bronze "Gray Blue" Opal
OGT Glass 96-818.91  Bronze/White Wispy