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OGT Pearl Opal Corsica Glass

Oceanside Pearl Opal Corsica Glass

Oceanside's Pearl Opals offers a multi-color mix art glass on a pearl opal base accompanied with a soft semi-granite texture on one side. These new colors really shine in the light. Great for flowers, backgrounds, skies and sunsets.

Oceanside has started to convert their Spectrum line over to being fusible.  If you see a 96 in front of the part number, it is now fusible!

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10 pc min when ordering 8x12 & 12x12 Glass  (20 pcs fill a Small Box) - $6
5 pc min when ordering 12x24 & 15x24 Glass  (10 pcs fill a Med Box) - $10
5 piece minimum when ordering 24x24 Glass  (7 pieces fill an Xtra Large Box) - $20

12x12 12x24 24x24
Clear Corsica glass 96-19-210  Clear Corsica
White Corsica glass 96-6000.81  Pearl (Clear/White) Corsica
Hawkwings Corsica glass 96-6011.85  Hawkwings Pearl Opal Corsica
 (Clear/White/Reddish Brown)
rain forest Corsica glass 96-6021.86  Rain Forest Pearl Opal Corsica
 (Rich Green/Brown)
Key Lime Corsica glass 96-6022.81  Key Lime Pearl Opal Corsica
 (Clear/White/Warm Greens)
Congo Corsica glass 96-6022.82  Congo Green Pearl Opal Corsica
Aqua Corsica glass


 Aqua Lime Pearl Opal Corsica
Blue Skies corsica glass 96-603.81  Blue Skies Pearl Opal Corsica
 (Clear/White/Soft Blue)
Blue Corsica glass 96-6033.83  Blue Yonder Pearl Opal Corsica
Aqua Rose Corsica glass 96-6034.83  Aqua Rose Pearl Opal Corsica
Red Corsica glass 96-605.85  Sierra Red Pearl Corsica
Autumn Flame Corsica glass 96-6051.83  Autumn Flame Pearl Corsica
 (Various Red Tones)
Meadowlark Corsica glass 96-6061.81  Meadowlark Pearl Opal Corsica
Mimosa Corsica glass 96-6067.83  Mimosa Pearl Opal Corsica
Inferno Corsica glass 96-6076.83  Inferno Pearl Opal Corsica